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Peterson Industrial Products is a leading distributor and manufacturer's representative for over 100 manufacturers who offer products used in industry for the transmission of fluids.

Fluid Transmission

We have a wide range of industrial hose, along with any fitting or connector needed to meet your specific requirements.

We provide fittings and couplings from the following vendors: Alemite, Amflo, Anchor Flange, Anderson Fittings, Band-it, Banjo, Bee Valve, Brennan, Dixon Evertite, Fastlock, Perfecting, PT Coupling, and Stauff.


Rigid Swivel Joints

We offer a wide selection of rigid swivel joint systems.


Petroleum Transfer and Dispensing

We offer hose and fittings specifically for the petroleum industry. Call us if you need consultation on the correct materials used in the transport and transfer of petroleum products.


Fittings and Couplings

We can provide fittings and couplings from the following vendors: Alemite, Amflo, Anchor Flange, Anderson Fittings, Band-it, Banjo, Bee Valve, Brennan, Dixon Evertite, Fastlock, Perfecting, PT Coupling, and Stauff.


Loading Rack Products

We carry the full product line of Loading Rack and Fall product from SafeRack, a leading manufacturer of Loading Rack Technologies. This includes rack systems for Portable Access Units, Gangways, Fuel Skid Sytems, and Truck and Train Car Loading Racks.


Custom Hose Assemblies

We can fabricate custom hose assemblies and ship to your facility in one day or less. Call us with your specifications. We have you covered for repairs, replacements or installation of flexible hose assemblies. More Information>>

Peterson Industrial Products
2300 Northwest 29th Avenue
Portland, OR 97210-2006

© 2024 by Peterson Industrial Products. 

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